Talking about Medieval Lit, Manuscripts, and Secondary Teaching on the LitBit Podcast!

In the Summer after my interim year at HVA, I had the opportunity to sit down with my friend and colleague Brooke Bianchi-Pennington, who hosts a great educational podcast, LitBit. Brooke is finishing her Ph.D. in Literacy Studies, focusing on Children’s and Young Adult Literature. Brooke was my mentor teacher at HVA and did so much to help me readjust to the secondary teaching world. As her podcast, NCTE talks, and publications demonstrate, Brooke is interested in finding ways for secondary teachers to keep up to date with with the latest in education research and literacy pedagogy.

She invited me on to her podcast to talk a bit about how my background in medieval studies informed my teaching, particularly when it comes to developing literacy skills when teaching medieval texts. I got the chance to plug some of my favorite teaching resources, talk about some digital projects, and geek out over some fantastic YA books that can be used alongside medieval primary texts. I hope you enjoy the episode!

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